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The NSSE is here: Only held once every three years

This spring of 2020, Viterbo is participating in the National Survey of Student Engagement, or NSSE for short. The survey informs Viterbo about student engagement in learning as well as what they gained from their college experience, and how the university can improve on those fronts. The university participates every three years, and first-year students and seniors are asked to take the survey and provide their feedback to the university.

Approximately 700 colleges and universities participate in this survey all across the United States and Canada, and this is beneficial in terms of comparison. Naomi Stennes-Spidahl, Director of Assessment and Institutional Research explains, “We can compare Viterbo student responses to all of those who takes the NSSE, as well as also having a set of peer institutions that are very similar to us in order to gauge how well we are doing.”

“It is focused on student engagement,” she states. “It pays attention to student’s academic experience, but also their entire experience at Viterbo.” The questions can involve interactions with faculty, whether the campus is a supportive environment, and the types of learning students are participating in.

Stennes-Spidahl goes on to say, “We are really committed to using the information received from the survey.” One example of this in action is the addition of an Advisor on College Affordability who is available to meet with students in order to help manage finances, look at sources for scholarships and give advice and support to students about such a large portion of receiving a college education.

The final message Stennes-Spidahl would like to leave students with is to take the time to pause and really think while completing the survey. “It is so helpful when students really give us their perspectives and insight, and we use it. We send pertinent information to faculty and to units across the institution when a question relates especially to their area so they can take that information and really use it to improve.”

The survey is open currently and will be pushed out through April. Students will receive email reminders on March 4 and March 16 to urge participation.

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