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Students prepare for Seven Rivers

The Seven Rivers Undergraduate Research Symposium offers a chance for student researchers from across the tri-state area to present their findings to their peers and to possibly network. The symposium will be on Friday, Nov 15, beginning at 10:10 a.m. with a keynote lecture from Paul Mueller M.D., M.P.H., hosted by the D.B. Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership. Mueller will speak on his research experience, as he has authored or co-authored more than 120 peer reviewed articles, chapters, over the course of his career.

However, he is not the focus of this symposium. This is all for the students, some of whom have been preparing for their presentations for months. Most of these projects are long-term focuses, like those who participate in the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), do so on the agreement that they will present their research and findings at Seven Rivers.

Depending on their field of study or particular project, students have the choice between a poster or an oral presentation. For a poster presentation, students will be with their posters at one of several locations for hour-long shifts to discuss their findings to anyone who wants to learn. These poster presentations will be in the lobby of the Nursing Center, or the lobby of the Fine Arts Center main theatre. Oral presentations will be in the Nursing Center or the Fine Arts building as well, with each individual speaker’s times and places included on the day’s schedule.

The symposium will end by recognizing top student presentations with an award ceremony and social. Snacks are provided, and it allows students the chance to socialize and network with others in attendance.

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