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Trust the process: The scoop on the Season Selection Committee

Theatre serves as a safe space in which participants can create and collaborate with a large number of individuals. This allows everyone involved to gain valuable experience. Here at Viterbo University, when it comes to the organization of the upcoming theatrical season, a tight-knit group of faculty members and select students in the theatre and music theatre department who specialize in areas of performance, stage management, tech and design, all have the opportunity to shape next year’s production schedule.

Rachael Armstrong, a sophomore music theatre major, said the reason she was interested in becoming a member of the Season Selection Committee was due to “all these ideas that I was eager to share,” and the experience that the committee members gain in terms of understanding the theatrical process was “right up my alley.”

Natalie Davies, a sophomore music theatre major and member of the committee, also sought to become more involved in the department and went on to say, “I want to make the most out of my experience here.”

Their excitement and willingness to collaborate with others served them well as they began to delve into the committee’s task – piece together a coherent season of theatrical works that will take place next year.

The selection process begins with a collective brainstorm of ideas. Over the course of next several meetings, the Season Selection Committee works to narrow down that number of potential shows. They do so by analyzing the pieces and determining how their attributes relate to the current state of the theatre and music theatre department. Once the committee has a feasible number to work with, the group begins to build seasons in a package.

Armstrong also stated, “Tonally, it [the sequence of the shows] needs to fit.” She then went on to discuss the awareness the committee has in regard to the stylistic elements of each production and the importance of maintaining a balance between the play-to-musical ratio.

With these elements in mind, the committee narrows their seasons to a cohesive five or six productions that showcase the various worlds that live within theatre. Additionally, the committee seeks to provide a range of perspectives as well as opportunities for their student participants to present their work to their audience here in La Crosse.

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