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Students showcase research at Seven Rivers

The Seven Rivers Undergraduate Research Symposium is an annual event hosted by Viterbo University that allows students from several institutions in the tristate area to present their undergraduate research.

The event began with a keynote address in the Fine Arts Center Main Theatre by Dr. Amit Sood. After his talk on “Helping Twenty-First Century Brains: A Back-Stage View,” there was a break and lunch was provided to those who registered beforehand.

Students presenting their research either shared it through an oral or a poster session. Oral presentations began at noon in either the Reinhart Center or the Nursing Center building. Presentations would go for about twelve minutes, and then three to five minutes for the presenters to answer questions from the audience.

After the oral presentations were poster sessions, taking place in the Reinhart Center Boardroom, Fine Arts Center Main Theater Lobby, or room 195 in the Nursing Center. Students would share and discuss their research with anyone who approached them interested.

Erika Shultz, a senior, presented on her internship with a chemical company. In an interesting twist, Shultz could not disclose the name of that company as a part of a confidentiality agreement. She was confident on her oral presentation: “I thought it went great. This is what I was passionate about so I was less nervous as it went on.” She had never been to the symposium before that presentation, but now regrets that stating, “I wish I came to these more often as an undergrad.”

Andrew Wegner, also a senior, presented a poster titled “Impact of Oxysterols on the Cell Cycle in Colon Cancer.” He is a Viterbo biochemistry major and has presented at Seven Rivers in the past. He conducted his research last summer at the University of North Dakota through the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. He thought that his presentations went well, “or at least, I’d like to think it went pretty well.” Wegner has presented at Seven Rivers in the past and likes the symposium.

At 4:00 p.m., participants were invited back to the Fine Arts Center main lobby for cake, punch, awards, and socialization.

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