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Homecoming at Viterbo

Photo by Brandi Shramek

From Monday January 30 until Saturday February 3, 2017, Student Activities Board (SAB) hosted many events to celebrate this year’s homecoming. This year’s theme for the week was The Wizard of Oz.

Some of the events over the week included paint night, movie night, trivia night, tailgate, a dance and giveaways. On Monday and Tuesday, SAB gave away mugs that said, “There’s no place like Viterbo” to correlate with Dorothy’s quote “There’s no place like home.” On Thursday there was a showing of The Wizard of Oz. On Friday night, there was Trivia Wiz, and the top three teams got to take home prizes. The biggest event SAB hosted over the week was the dance on Saturday from 9-11 PM. They had a DJ and a bunch of free food including cheese curds, meatballs, red velvet brownies, fruit pizza and apple crisp.

Throughout the week, they also hid Vic the V-Hawk around campus with clues on where to find him on VU today. If the student found him, they would return him to Res Life for a chance to win a gift card at the end of the week.

A total of 600 students were involved with the activities. Of the 600 students, the dance alone had 100 students attend, paint night had 30, and the tailgate had around 75. With these numbers, Jed Barton, President of SAB, commented, “We had a record of 100 people attend [the dance], almost all the food was gone and everyone stayed an extra half an hour dancing the night away!”

The dance was a huge success. Jed commented, “Again, the dance was so successful. I saw such an eclectic mix of dancers. Tessa, a softball player, broke it down on the dance floor with an amazing worm. Stevie turned up the dance floor with “juju on that beat.” Others, like Jill Marie Haram, strutted around the Caf with confidence and cheese curds in hand.”

Along with successful numbers, SAB featured some local businesses over homecoming week. This included the DJ for the dance, the trivia on Friday, and All Glazed Up for Paint Night.

This year they changed the location of the tailgate, which made it more accessible for students to attend. The tailgate moved to the Hawks Nest, and they gave away free hot dogs and hamburgers before the women’s game on Saturday. Jed also commented on an intense Mario Kart tournament that happened because of the new tailgate location.

Brandy Kummer, vice president of SAB commented, “My favorite part of homecoming was the dance and how successful it was and watching everybody dance.”

SAB still has some upcoming events this year including “Hump Day Bowling in the Bahamas” Bubble Soccer and Courtyard Carni.

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